Saturday, August 23, 2008

the olympics

i can't believe i haven't blogged about the olympics. they've been on for over 2 weeks and i've been thinking about it repeatedly, but i guess i've been too busy watching to actually do it. Matthew Goode was right in a New York Times Magazine interview when he said, "[when watching the Olympics] you find yourself caring about things you never thought you would. Like oh it's the semi final of the judo and you find yourself yelling 'Come on! Slam him down!' Or whatever they say!"well it's been an incredible 17 days and i've enjoyed almost every minute (i was pretty f-ing tired of boxing by day 1,) and can't wait for vancouver in 2010 and london in 2012. i hope you all enjoyed the games as much as i did.

an unbelievably gratuitous Matthew Goode post

"Light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Ma-tthew Goode: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three on the teeth. Ma. Tthew Goode."
ok that was blatantly and completely the opening prose of Vladamir Nabakov's Lolita, but this guy just makes me want to say brilliant things. you can read his filmography here, but i'll just let you know he's pretty talented, pretty damn handsome and the fact that he's going to be in "The Watchmen" and the star of "The Brideshead Revisited" is proof enough of his ability to make a serious artistic contribution on some incredibly major motion pictures. the shots above are from a New York Times Magazine photo shoot, while the photos below are from the ad campaign for Hackett menswear.
there are a thousand other things i could say about Matthew Goode, but for now i'll just say watch "The Lookout" to actually see him do some acting, or you can admire his beauty as Scarlett Johansson's fiance in "Match Point." either which way we're all going to be seeing a lot of this guy (i hope) once[/if] "Watchmen" is released on March 6th, 2009.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

trailer trash- Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona

"Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona" is Woody Allen's latest film starring Scarlett Johanssen, Penelope Cruz and Academy Award winning actor Javier Bardem. This is one of the movies, I was most excited to see this year, not only because i think Woody Allen is a genius and i'm crazy about Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz, but i thought it would be just as amazing as "Match Point." sadly that wasn't the case and while it was very entertaining, Penelope Cruz steals every scene she's in, while Javier smolders (because he's F-ing incredible) and Rebecca Hall is rather endearing, i left the film wanting more. it's beautiful to watch since the vast majority of the film takes place in Barcelona and each location attempts to capture the all of the city's and Gaudi's brilliance. i just thought the film would be bigger in all aspects and it just wasn't. if i had to give it a score on a scale of 1-10, it would be a 7. i'm hoping when this film comes out on DVD I'll really be able to appreciate whatever Woody Allen was trying to do, but until then i'll probably forget i saw it. oh and this trailer basically gives away the entire movie.

The effects of Tropical Storm Faye

So this crappy picture of a tree that got knocked down by Faye's gusts was my attempt at "nature photography." Its pretty clear I should stick to candids while shooting with my phone in a moving vehicle.
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trailer trash- "Quantum of Solace"

i've been hesitant about watching and blogging about the new James Bond movie "Quantum of Solace" since the trailer debuted over a month ago. not only am i huge fan of the franchise, and have a great deal of respect for and admire the talents of Daniel Craig and the director Marc Forster, but i just knew no matter what this trailer looked like i was going to see this movie. i've only seen "Casino Royale" 12 times (basically whenever it's on TV,) but know i'll be watching it again before 11.07.08 because QoS takes place right where CR left off.

Its been a while since I last blogged...

Its been waaaay too long since I've blogged. I got caught up at Lollapalooza (I'll be posting pics soon though they're all on Facebook) & then I got terribly ill from dancing and drinking for 4 days straight. It feels good to post again even if this is mobile. So to apologize for my absence I've decided to post the best photo I've taken since I got back... Please enjoy the decolletage (& if you're not sure what that last word means look it up, its worth keeping in your classy/scum bag lexicon, I do.)
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