Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
trailer trash - The Stepfather
"Ode on Indolence"
With bowed necks, and joined hands, side-faced;
And one behind the other stepp'd serene,
In placid sandals, and in white robes graced:
They pass'd, like figures on a marble urn,
When shifted round to see the other side;
They came again; as when the urn once more
Is shifted round, the first seen shades return;
And they were strange to me, as may betide
With vases, to one deep in Phidian lore.
How is it, shadows, that I knew ye not?
How came ye muffled in so hush a masque?
Was it a silent deep-disguised plot
To steal away, and leave without a task
My idle days? Ripe was the drowsy hour;
The blissful cloud of summer-indolence
Benumb'd my eyes; my pulse grew less and less;
Pain had no sting, and pleasure's wreath no flower.
O, why did ye not melt, and leave my sense
Unhaunted quite of all but - nothingness?
A third time pass'd they by, and, passing, turn'd
Each one the face a moment whiles to me;
Then faded, and to follow them I burn'd
And ached for wings, because I knew the three:
The first was a fair maid, and Love her name;
The second was Ambition, pale of cheek,
And ever watchful with fatigued eye;
The last, whom I love more, the more of blame
Is heap'd upon her, maiden most unmeek, -
I knew to be my demon Poesy.
They faded, and, forsooth! I wanted wings:
O folly! What is Love? and where is it?
And for that poor Ambition - it springs
From a man's little heart's short fever-fit;
For Poesy!
-John Keats
trailer trash - The Informant
photo envy - Aggy as MJ

Famed photographer Terry Richardson shot Agyness Deyn in a tribute to Michael Jackson and his fantastic flair and appreciation of fashion for the September Issue of Harper's Bazaar .
In the six page spread they recreate some of the King of Pop’s most memorable looks. I'm not sure if I wanted to be Terry shooting or Agyness wearing fantasitc MJ inspired outfits
Thursday, August 13, 2009
'These Are My Twisted Words'
trailer trash - District 9

"The Hurt Locker" Review

I had been eager to see The Hurt Locker for a few months now and finally got the chance to on Saturady night, and it was better than I thought it would be. I've actually spent the past few days trying to think of an eloquent and concise way to write a review that does this marvelous movie justice, without giving too much away, but still aren't too sure of how, & apparently I'm not the only one who's had some difficulty.
One of the reasons I've had some trouble is because I'm still trying to process and digest everything that happened. There's no opening credit sequence or even a title card, the movie just begins with a quote from from former New York Times Iraq expert Christopher Hedges that says, "...War is a drug," & we encounter a U.S. Army bomb disposal unit made up of 3 guys - an intelligence officer, the specialist who covers the scene with his rifle and the staff sergeant who walks up to the device and tries to defuse it, in an incredibly uncomfortable-looking heavily insulated "space suit," so you are immediately thrust into a real scenario you would never think about. We're informed that these men have 45 days left on their rotation and you soon realize that one of them is probably not going to make it through the next few weeks let alone,to the end of the day. Soon after that realization the spaceman, gets caught in the "kill zone" as the bomb is detonated (it even looks like he's being detonated) and is soon replaced by Sgt James, played with subtle bravado and tender gravitas by Jeremy Renner. A sort of modern cowboy who's sanity you question, as you witness his calm, controlled yet chaotic approach to the harrowing task he's incredibly good at (he's defused 847 bombs so far.) I have to quote from the TIME Magazine review of this film from November while referring to Renner because I'm a bit biased (I've been hoping this guy would be huge since S.W.A.T & Dahmer):
It's a creepy marvel to watch James in action. He has the cool aplomb, analytical acumen and attention to detail of a great athlete, or a master psychopath, maybe both. A quote Movies often editorialize on this theme: the man who's a misfit back home but an efficient, imaginative killing machine on the battlefield. Bigelow and Boal aren't after that. They're saying that, in a hellish peace-keeping operation like the U.S. deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan (James' previous assignment), the Army needs guys like James.
Directed by the bold and beautiful Kathryn Bigelow (who also directed the ultimate surfer heist movie Point Break and the ultimate Y2K thriller Strange Days) this movie had me on the edge of my seat, as I eagerly waited to find out what would happen next. As a girl who goes gaga for war flicks (I was up way past my bedtime watching Saving Private Ryan the night after I saw THL) this movie is the tops, it made me want to watch Generation Kill & Jarhead just to appreciate the subtle nuances and profound relevancy of the wars the US Government has fought and is fighting in the Middle East. It was riveting, exhilirating and gets under your skin when you least expect it, to the point where while standing in the cereal aisle at the supermarket the next day, I appreciated this movie and people like Sgt. James so much more.
My rating: 9.9/10
Here's part of the opening sequence thanks to Film School Rejects.
Don Draper gets wet

please take a moment to Dance the F out to - Lady Gaga
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
A True Alchemist

Developed from the humble beginnings of a simple personal blogspot; So Shape It is a continuation of my love affair with music, art and fashion. With an underlying principle driven by aesthetics, this is a refined new look for The Shape Of Things To Come. This is simply Version 1 for the site, and an expansion of the themes covered on my personal blog. The first step on the journey to developing a brand driven by the things that I appreciate, admire and wish to promote. I hope that you enjoy the content, and that it inspires, motives and entertains...
Nick Lewis
I'm dreaming about Mad Men
For anyone who read this blog last summer/fall you should be aware I'm pretty crazy for "Mad Men." I've been able to keep my zeal in check, since season 2 ended back in October and have been biding my time with other great shows til it returns on August 16th, 2009.

I orginally wrote a draft of this post back in November when Mad Men went off the air because I had a dream about John Slattery, who I've had a mini crush on him since he was on Sex & The City (even though he wanted to pee on Carrie.) I barely remember what happened in the dream, just that he was in it & figured I was suffering from MM withdrawal. Then I had another dream back in March that I was at a private Coldplay concert [ here I'll do it for you, "Hey you know how I know you're gay..."] and ran into Jon Hamm with his actual girlfriend actress Jennifer Westfeldt and we chatted like old friends and I commented on how he was dressed like an English Professor, in a beige corduroy jacket with elbow patches... Yes I know it's bonkers, but coincidentally the night after I had that dream AMC started to rebroadcast the second season.
Anyhoo Vanity Fair has a fantastic feature on the show and it's upcoming season, that was supposed to be a cover story, but was bumped in order for the Farah Fawcett/Michael Jackson tribute issues that are now on stands. All the pictures in this post are from the shoot for the article, and they only make me more excited for the third season of the Best Drama on television. Are you excited?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I'm gaga for Gaga, even though she's nuts
Here's an interview where she talks about being inspired by monsters & a little about feminism
& here's a press conference where she wears some crazy ass mask
& here's another crazy interview with German TV
THE freshest thing to do on Thursday Nights
trailer trash - Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
Monday, August 10, 2009
Alexander Skarsgard breaks Lady Gaga's legs - Paparazzi
trailer trash - The Lovely Bones
It's Monday...
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Jason Reitman has Right of Way
'Juno' helmer Jason Reitman is hanging a new shingle: Right of Way Films. The West Hollywood-based outfit has a development partnership with Indian Paintbrush, the financing and production company headed by billionaire Steven Rales... The plan is for Right of Way to develop and package projects inhouse. Reitman says the films are intended to be directing vehicles for him, but some could become producing projects. On the slate are new scripts by Jenny Lumet and the Duplass brothers...Reitman is currently in post production on his latest film, "Up in the Air," which he adapted, directed and produced. The Paramount release stars George Clooney and preems at the Toronto Film Festival next month. Estabrook is an associate producer on the film. Reitman also produced Fox's horror comedy "Jennifer's Body," which was written by Oscar-winning "Juno" scribe Diablo Cody and stars Megan Fox. (Source Variety)
trailer trash - Cirque Du Freak The Vampire's Assistant
Rodarte a 'Go' With Target - Retail Store and Industry News -

"Designing sisters Kate and Laura Mulleavy will be bringing their ethereal sensibility to a wider world when Target introduces Rodarte in December as part of its Go International series of limited collections. The 55-piece Rodarte line for Go International will launch at most Target stores nationwide and on on Dec. 20, and will be available through Feb. 6. While it may be hard to imagine translating Rodarte’s hand-wrought designs for the mass market, Target claims to have stayed true to the spirit of the luxury-priced label.
“What you’ll notice is an amazing eye for detail,” said Joshua Thomas, a Target spokesman. “It’s very feminine, yet very modern. The collection incorporates a rich mix of patterns and fabrications and everything from sequins and bows to faux fur. The key with Rodarte is layering.” Prices for Target’s Go International Rodarte collection will range from $9.99 for knee-highs to $79.99 for a leopard print jacket. Rodarte, which is known for evening clothes, designed “a variety of great holiday dresses,” Thomas said. “There are stand-alone pieces and pieces that can be worn together to create an ensemble by layering different patterns, textures and prints.”
(Source WWD.)