And now Snoogins reviews The Dark Knight because I'm too obsessed to:
Although shockingly "dark" for a children's comic book story (and an added darkness from Ledger's death), The Dark Knight portrays the parallels between good and evil. The majority of the movie is comprised with evil domination, but a tiny little scene, when 2 boats are given the opportunity to blow the other up and live or do nothing and die together, brings a sudden twist towards the good side, and it is recognized that goodness prevails yet again. For most, this film is thought to be gloomy or "too much," but for me, it is the essence of what creates good in society, it is realistic and gives an accurate portrayal of how goodness is actually achieved. Super heros are supposed to do no wrong, they are supposed to save, and everything associated with them is to reflect goodness; however, this film challenges the norm and creates a Batman who is not afraid to be perceived as evil to ultimately accomplish good.
Thanks Snoogs!
My rating: 10/10