Friday, February 6, 2009
Gratuitous Matthew Goode Post
On playing the "Bad Guy" in "The Lookout" (which is a great film you should definitely check out.) By the by "Watchmen" opens in 4 weeks.
completely gratuitous,
Matthew Goode,
The Lookout
"It's 4 AM and I can't sleep..."
This song has been stuck in my head for about a week now and I finally decided to post it. hopefully the other one (you really don't want to know what it is) will disappear soon enough, but for the time being maybe "memories fade in the coldest winter"
oh and here's Yeezy's Grammy's poster

808s and Heartbreak,
Kanye West,
stuck in my head,
The Grammys
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Viva La Vida Oprah
Definitely an intriguiing, entertaining and awkardly danceable endeavor
While on the subject of Coldplay I thought I'd take the opportunity to show off their bright and shiny Grammy's poster (I featured Thom Yorke's a while back.) I already know each band's performance is going to be pretty stellar since they're both Rock Gods in their own right.
I'll be flipping back and forth between that and "Big Love" to check out the live performances and to see if M.I.A's water breaks on stage, since she's 9 months pregnant and due to give birth the day of the show. Hopefully her water will break and Sir Paul McCartney will deliver the baby back stage then she'll go on to win Record of the Year and perform Paper Planes with Jay-Z and whoever else turns up.
Big Love,
Paper Planes,
Paul McCartney,
Swiss Beatz,
The Grammys
Hugs not drugs...unless you're under the age of 10 because then it's just hilarious
So this kid was feeling pretty loopy after getting gassed at the dentist's office and his dad shot this hilarious video of the first (and probably not the last time) his kid got high.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Christian Bale Freakout Dance Remix

Crazy controversy aside, he's still an incredibly talented actor and undeniably badass. Now dance to him going apeshit on a DP.
Ad Fad - Calvin Klein
This commercial was too hot TV and subsequently will not air, kind of like this one featuring Eva Mendes last year, though this ad is much more graphic
Ad Fad,
Calvin Klein,
Eva Mendes,
S/S '09
I was uploading a bunch of pictures the other day when I came across these snaps of Whit, dressed up as a chicken at Art Walk a few months back. From what I remember it was for work , though she was really excited to do it...
Which of course totally reminded me of when Marc Jacobs dressed up like a pigeon a few years ago for his notorious Holiday party. Whit also informed me that Langerado has been cancelled, which really sucks, because it would have been great for the City. And after working with one of the creators (who I'm a huge personal fan of & Facebook stalk on the regular) I can only wish them the best and hope they come back next year better than ever!
& yes that is Andre Leon Talley next to him
Andre Leon Talley,
Art Walk,
Marc Jacobs,
The New Times,
Whitney Roux
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
"When I have fears that I may cease to be"
When I have fears that I may cease to be
Before my pen has glean'd my teeming brain,
Before high-piled books, in charactery,
Hold like rich garners the full ripen'd grain;
When I behold, upon the night's starr'd face,
Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance,
And think that I may never live to trace
Their shadows, with the magic hand of chance;
And when I feel, fair creature of an hour,
That I shall never look upon thee more,
Never have relish in the faery power
Of unreflecting love;--then on the shore
Of the wide world I stand alone, and think
Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.
-John Keats
Batman Blows up on the "Terminator: Salvation" set

Holy bejeebus, Christian Bale went bezerker on a DP who wandered into a shot on the Terminator: Salvation set and it's totally ridiculous. Bale's always been known to throw himself into his rolls and generally have a prickly personality during production, but oh my wow this was pretty nutso.

Christian Bale,
photo envy
A friend of mine went skiing in Whistler not too long ago and took some fantastic photos I just had to "borrow." I've learned from wikipedia that the white stuff in the photos is called snow, and not what's all over Tony's desk.
i know the rule is "if you have to explain it it's not funny," but please take note of the dude int he right hand corner with the missing tooth.

after going nuts at Panic Bomber I thought these light setups were actual people! yes i know i'm an idiot, but how cool would it have been if they actually were!

looking up

looking down

and looking out

Hot Meat in my mouth

The Times had a delicious article and slideshow about the latest internet/cooking sensation called the Bacon Explosion! I can't wait to try this, but certainly can't/won't consume it alone. Anyone interested in taking this feat on with me?

Panic Bomber "Live" Video
If you haven't checked out Panic Bomber yet, make sure to get on it, he's dope! Off the Radar has a short writeup on the video, but here's a clip of "Smooth Sailor."
local music,
Music Videos,
Panic Bomber
Monday, February 2, 2009
Ad Fad- Longchamp
Ad Fad,
Kate Moss,
Sasha Pivovarova
trailer trash - G.I Joe : Rise of the Cobra
Everday after school when I was about 4 years old I'd sit in my mom's rooms and watched cartoons til my brains started to rot and one of my favorites was "GI Joe." I'm really hoping this movie doesn't suck, but I'm not too sure how I feel about this trailer since, I still haven't watched it sober (I saw it during the Super Bowl.) Christopher Eccleston is flippin awesome and I hope Sienna Miller does a bit more than just stand there and look hot, but I have to say my hopes are not high for this one.
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