This movie shot in Miami last summer and I had to restrain myself from going to set because my respect and love for Ewan McGregor (primarily) and Jim Carrey knows no bounds. The quality totally sucks, but you can totally still what's going on in this hopefully brilliant black comedy.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
"Julie & Julia" Review

I got to go tot he press screening of the new Meryl Streep film on Tuesday night and have never salivated more during a movie in my entire life. The film is based on two true stories and follows the rise of Master Chef Julia Child from a wife looking for something to occupy her time to Chef Savante, played by goddess divine Meryl Streep in 1950's Paris, and Julie a government employee played by Amy Adams in New York in 2002. To be perfectly honest, whenever Amy Adam's Julie was on screen I was just waiting for the movie to go back to the Julia Child storyline, especially since Meryl, as always, was beyond brilliant, not to mention Stanley Tucci as her husband was the perfect counterpart and the short appearance yet utterly hilarious cameo from Jane Lynch as her sister was simply too entertaining. 24's Mary Lynn Rajskub a.k.a uber-nerd Chloe O'Brien, as Julie's close friend and Chris Messina as her husband detracted from Adam's more annoying moments, but all in all it was relatively enjoyable film.
My rating: 8.4/10
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
"Moon" Review

Moon takes place in the not so distant future when "Helium -3"is mined on the moon and sent back to earth to provide us energy. The film follows a man named Sam Bell, played by the always brilliant, Sam Rockwell, who is the sole man that works at the site, and has 2 more weeks left on his 3 year contract and can't wait to get home. The only company Sam has is a computer named Gerty (voiced by Kevin Spacey in a blatant homage to 2001: A Space Odyssey's HAL.) Though after Sam is injured after thinking he sees something while out collecting Helium 3, another guy named Sam shows up and things get really weird.
I love Sam Rockwell & he is in every single scene of the movie, which he definiely pulls off, but the pacing is incredibly slow and 97 minutes felt more like 197. It was definitely a thought provoking film, directed by David Bowie's son Duncan Jones, but the most glorious thing about it was Gary Shaw's cinematography & that shred of hope that I held on to that there'd be some Bowie on the soundtrack or even a minor reference to The Man Who Fell to Earth.
My rating: 8.2/10
Lines For The Fortune Cookies by Frank O Hara at Old Poetry
I think you're wonderful and so does everyone else.
Just as Jackie Kennedy has a baby boy, so will you—even bigger.
You will meet a tall beautiful blonde stranger, and you will not say hello.
You will take a long trip and you will be very happy, though alone.
You will marry the first person who tells you your eyes are like scrambled eggs.
In the beginning there was YOU—there will always be YOU, I guess.
You will write a great play and it will run for three performances.
Please phone The Village Voice immediately: they want to interview you.
Roger L. Stevens and Kermit Bloomgarden have their eyes on you.
Relax a little; one of your most celebrated nervous tics will be your undoing.
Your first volume of poetry will be published as soon as you finish it.
You may be a hit uptown, but downtown you're legendary!
Your walk has a musical quality which will bring you fame and fortune.
You will eat cake.
Who do you think you are, anyway? Jo Van Fleet?
You think your life is like Pirandello, but it's really like O'Neill.
A few dance lessons with James Waring and who knows? Maybe something will happen.
That's not a run in your stocking, it's a hand on your leg.
I realize you've lived in France, but that doesn't mean you know EVERYTHING!
You should wear white more often—it becomes you.
The next person to speak to you will have a very intriquing proposal to make.
A lot of people in this room wish they were you.
Have you been to Mike Goldberg's show? Al Leslie's? Lee Krasner's?
At times, your disinterestedness may seem insincere, to strangers.
Now that the election's over, what are you going to do with yourself?
You are a prisoner in a croissant factory and you love it.
You eat meat. Why do you eat meat?
Beyond the horizon there is a vale of gloom.
You too could be Premier of France, if only… if only…
Just as Jackie Kennedy has a baby boy, so will you—even bigger.
You will meet a tall beautiful blonde stranger, and you will not say hello.
You will take a long trip and you will be very happy, though alone.
You will marry the first person who tells you your eyes are like scrambled eggs.
In the beginning there was YOU—there will always be YOU, I guess.
You will write a great play and it will run for three performances.
Please phone The Village Voice immediately: they want to interview you.
Roger L. Stevens and Kermit Bloomgarden have their eyes on you.
Relax a little; one of your most celebrated nervous tics will be your undoing.
Your first volume of poetry will be published as soon as you finish it.
You may be a hit uptown, but downtown you're legendary!
Your walk has a musical quality which will bring you fame and fortune.
You will eat cake.
Who do you think you are, anyway? Jo Van Fleet?
You think your life is like Pirandello, but it's really like O'Neill.
A few dance lessons with James Waring and who knows? Maybe something will happen.
That's not a run in your stocking, it's a hand on your leg.
I realize you've lived in France, but that doesn't mean you know EVERYTHING!
You should wear white more often—it becomes you.
The next person to speak to you will have a very intriquing proposal to make.
A lot of people in this room wish they were you.
Have you been to Mike Goldberg's show? Al Leslie's? Lee Krasner's?
At times, your disinterestedness may seem insincere, to strangers.
Now that the election's over, what are you going to do with yourself?
You are a prisoner in a croissant factory and you love it.
You eat meat. Why do you eat meat?
Beyond the horizon there is a vale of gloom.
You too could be Premier of France, if only… if only…
asian food,
fortune cookies,
Frank O'Hara,
trailer trash - Zombieland
This movie looks hilariously entertaining. & I certainly do love a good Zombedy.
Monday, July 27, 2009
"Chéri" Review
First and foremost I have to address the fact that I think the term "cougar" is totally and completely idiotic. Just because a woman persues and dates a younger man doesn't make her a predator, when older men date younger women, they don't associate some animal related name to them. Anyway, that leads me Michelle Pfeiffer's stellar performance as an older courtesan who falls into a relationship with a much younger man, the eponymous Chéri (a nickname given to him by Pfeiffer who has known him when he was a child- which means my darling or sweetheart) played to perfection by Rupert Friend. The film starts near the end of The Belle Epoque in Paris, as their relationship continues to cause controversy. Kathy Bates plays Cheri's mother and one of Pfieffer's greatest former rivals, with divine hilarity, I couldn't wait to hear what preposterous yet mildly scathing thing she'd say next.
The performances, the costumes, the art direction, okay everything in this movie was positively splendid and I simply cannot say enough wonderful things about. I only wish Toby Kebbel had a a larger role. It's delightful, fun and incredibly wicked and poignant when you least expect to be. Based on the novels Chéri and La Fin du Chéri by Colette. Academy Award winning writer Christopher Hampton has done fine job making Colette's witty words accessible for English speaking audiences, while Academy Award nominated director Stephen Frears has done supberd job at guiding his cast. Go see this movie if you can or wanted to be intelectually delighted but still entertained.
My rating: 9.1/10
Attention People of Earth!

Awesome New Republic's Rational Geographic Volume 2 is now available for download at their site, or you can pick up a physical copy at Miami's only independent record store Sweat Records . I've praised this pair before, but now that legit music mediators are also singing along and singing ANR's praises I can go all out and share, what most of you already know is that I am crazy in love with ANR's music. MJ's voice soothes my soul in a way even I don't understand, but what ultimately ties it together are the incredible & astonishing yet oh so subtle skills of B Rob pm keyboards. The addition of Jorge Rubiera (of the delightful & twangy Down Home Southernaires & THE best drummer in town) fuses the abilities of all these talented gentleman in a glorious and symbiotic fashion. I absolutely love & respect what these guys are able to do musically. While their tunes are sometimes reminiscent of other dance giants (Prince & Hot Chip,) their music is always undeniably original, fun, poignant, profound & most importantly very,very danceable.
There's sooooooooo much more I could add, but I'll save that for when Rational Geographic Volume 3 comes out in October. Til then I'll just keep on telling everyone and anyone I encounter to check them out.

It's Monday...
By the by Third 'Harold & Kumar' flick set for November 2010 release TV, movie and music news Movie biz, Movies I'm just hoping NPH makes a cameo again
Sunday, July 26, 2009
ohnotheydidnt: GI JOE BLOWS HARD AND HEADS ARE ROLLING What a I can't even type that shiz sarcastically. The trailer is a dead giveaway the movie is aimed at people with penises under the age of 16. While I may have the same awkward physical body type of that demographic, they deserve better.
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