Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy new year?

the only reason i put the question mark was because i wondered if it was still reasonable to say that. i think weeks in it's still ok and definitely more exciting to hear on february 14th than "happy valentines day." for those of you actually interested why people go bonkers on a day like today here's a little history on Saint Valentine. (though by the time i probably share this little blog on facebook it will be boxing day and it will almost be relevant.)
maybe i've been listening to too much amy winehouse and maroon 5 (and yes i am aware how highly commercial both are) i highly recommend taking a minute to sit down and actually read or truly listen to their lyrics. both artists have an incredibly grasp of truly capturing what its like on a universal to be in a relationship. granted most of us aren't beehived jewish girls from a rough part of london, but i think we can all relate to the honesty and desperation that exists in amy winehouses lyrics, while adam levine expresses the dirty, obsessive and fun things being in love is truly about. so once again i share with you videos from artists i truly love, respect, and would love to have a drink with:

makes me wonder live

me & mr. jones live

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