Friday, November 7, 2008

"Life is so fucking good I can taste it in my spit."

With the Quantum of Solace release just a week away, I've been thinking about the movie I'm convinced got Daniel Craig the job (not even the shot, but the job itself) as James Bond, "Layer Cake," & the title of this post is one of my favorite lines in the film, which was adapted from J.J. Connely's acclaimed novel. its a phenomenal well crafted, gangster film directed by Matthew Vaughn who produced "Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels" & "Snatch." I watched it again recently to tie my over til next weekend, and forgot how the film is full of amazing British talent, like Michael Gambon, Kennth Cranham, Dexter Fletcher, Ben Wishaw, oh and Sienna Miller is in it too. [I actually heart Sienna, yes she's beautiful and always surrounded by scandal, but sometimes she actually acts in movies and is [retty brilliant in them, like "Interview" and "Factory Girl".]
so if you haven't seen Layer Cake and you're a fan of Daniel Craig, gangster films or great movies in general, definitely check it out. you can watch the first 7 minutes below to get a taste.

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