Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cadillac Records Review

Cadillac Records is the based on the true story of how Rock and Roll began. The film was written and directed by Darnell Martin (who by the way is an incrediblybrilliant and beautiful woman) and spans decades, starting in the early 1950's when Leonard Chess meets Muddy Waters adn creates Chess Records which was endearingly nicknamed Cadillac Records, because Chess would gift his artists with a shiny new car whenever they made a hit record. Jeffrey Wright and Adrien Brody are two undeniably talented men who play Waters and Chess, respectively and these real people to life that certainly doesn't glorify their behavior or the pay for play scandals of the day, but brings to light what a lot of people did not know; that Muddy along with his harmonica player Little Walter, portrayed fearlessly by Columbus Short and Chuck Berry, played to perfect affect by Mos Def, that these men were the founders of what would become Rock and Roll. I won't go into further detail, though my love and passion of Rock and Roll is undeniable, I simply cannot do this fantastic film justice with an abbreviated or any sort of review. Though I can say it is a wonderfully executed film with stellar performances from every cast member, even Beyonce as Etta James (though it was difficult at time for me to seperate her from the character.) If you love music, rock and roll or care about pop culture, go see this fantastic film, that has an equally fantastic soundtrack. My rating 8.8/10

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