Moon takes place in the not so distant future when "Helium -3"is mined on the moon and sent back to earth to provide us energy. The film follows a man named Sam Bell, played by the always brilliant, Sam Rockwell, who is the sole man that works at the site, and has 2 more weeks left on his 3 year contract and can't wait to get home. The only company Sam has is a computer named Gerty (voiced by Kevin Spacey in a blatant homage to 2001: A Space Odyssey's HAL.) Though after Sam is injured after thinking he sees something while out collecting Helium 3, another guy named Sam shows up and things get really weird.
I love Sam Rockwell & he is in every single scene of the movie, which he definiely pulls off, but the pacing is incredibly slow and 97 minutes felt more like 197. It was definitely a thought provoking film, directed by David Bowie's son Duncan Jones, but the most glorious thing about it was Gary Shaw's cinematography & that shred of hope that I held on to that there'd be some Bowie on the soundtrack or even a minor reference to The Man Who Fell to Earth.
My rating: 8.2/10
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