Wednesday, February 25, 2009

More "Watchmen" madness

Last week in between the blitzkrieg of New York Fashion Week posts I inundated you with, I posted about the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly that featured Dr. Manhattan on the cover. Well it turns out that there were actually 6 different covers [featured above] for each Superhero. They're all badass but surprisingly enough I'm not that into Matthew Goode's cover as Ozymandias, mainly because he's unrecognizable.

Anyhoozie, the UK Premiere was last night, which got me excited because it means the US one is not far off and March 6 will finally be here. I'm still not sure whether or not I'm going to see this ouevre at 12:01 AM Friday (it is almost 3 hours long and I have to go to work the next day) or devote my entire Friday evening to it. Either which way I'll keep you posted. Below are some pics from the premiere.

Malin Ackerman and Carla Gugino amongst the general splendour

Jeffrey Dean Morgan as hot as he wants to be

Matthew Goode as "Classy hobo # 2"

Patrick Wilson in all his gorgeous glory

Jackie Earle Haley maxin & relaxin

Billy Crudup finally clothed

The entire cast with Director Zack Snyder and 2 random peeps

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