"The Watchmen" hugely popular comic book series is coming to the big screen! though i'm only mildy familiar with the source material, i'm well aware of how important and revolutionary the comic was. this movie is going to be so big (for the nerd & special effects community) that massive amounts of press coverage is being shared now and the movie doens't come out until March 2009. my interest in the film arose becasuse of my utter and complete infatuation with Matthew Goode - who also happens to be in another movie i'm really excited to see this summer, "The Brideshead Revisted" that's based on an incredible book.
anyway "The Watchmen" has an incredibly talented (and attractive) cast plus it's directed by Zack Snyder who also did "300." MTV has an interview and trailer for the movie which can be seen here, while Entertainment Weekly has an exclusive first look as well, and you can either see the 1st trailer before "The Dark Knight" which opens today or you can check it out right here. i'm pretty sure (well i'm hoping at least) this movie may be the coolest thing since sliced bread, but i guess i'll found out for certain in march.
UPDATE: i've opted to call this series "Trailer Trash"
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