Wednesday, September 17, 2008

according to Fred, Jon Hamm and I are "dating"

...but i don't really like to talk about it, but he does. and he did on Jimmy Kimmel last Friday night. the first mention of "me" - according to Mr. Moffat - is around 5:05, but to get a better idea of what he's talking about start at the beginning or go to 4:00 or 8:00.

from the interview it's obvious he's a likeable, genial, funny guy; which is everything Don Draper is not, which is probably why he's nominated for Best Actor in a Television Drama at the Emmy Awards which air this Sunday, and why he won the Golden Globe in January. Jon and Jimmy are clearly friends so the interview is certainly not the typical stale rigamarole you get from most actors who aren't marquis names.

"Don" (Jon's character on Mad Men) also reminds me of the first boy i was ever in love with, who was a strong, conservative, . granted he didn't look 30 when we met, but he looks like the more mature, older (moviestar version) of him and that's kinda nice. not to mention a few of their mannerisms are eerily similar and they share the same name.

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