Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I adore Phil Cassel... WALL-E Review

...but i do not apologize for calling him out. a week and a half ago i saw Disney Pixar's "WALL-E," with my good friend Phil Cassel. whenever i ask a friend for a review i make sure to ask them to only spare/waste 5 minutes of their time to do so. though phil took much longer than expected to provide me with his review, he went well beyond my expectations and delivered an honest, thoughtful and great review of a film with all those qualities as well:
I have never been very fond of movie reviews. My opinion is that if you see a preview and you want to see the movie, then go see the movie. If someone you trust tells you to see a movie, then go see the movie. If you see that movie and it sucks then that person loses your trust in movie opinions (you only get one chance). When Jennifer asked me to do this review of Wall-E I instantly said yes. After thinking about it and realizing my great distaste for reviews, I pondered not doing one at all. But Jennifer has prevailed, which she tends to do.

Wall-E definitely reached expectations (the ones I set myself from the preview). It is a very clever movie that says a lot about society and doesn't need words to do it. The simplicity of the task that the robot is designed to do is pure genius. The humans could not have been a more accurate representation of where our stereotypical society is heading. Go see the movie. I would not have agreed to do this unless I felt as though there was no possible way my movie judgment could be discredited. Enjoy!

Thanks Phil! My rating 9.1/10

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