I received an e-mail the other day from Jean-Charles de Castelbajac for a "Ventes Prives"(Private Sale) and while perusing the sight I clicked on the "NEWS" section and came across a feature entitled SPRING/SUMMER 3001. I was immediately intrigued and clicked to find a virtual fashion show in a world composed only of LEGO characters in JC de Castalbajac attire, which I thought was darling since LEGO turned 30 this year and JC conveniently dated the "virutal collection year" as (30)01. There's even a LEGO Devil, who just happens to be sitting next to Anna Wintour.
If you're familiar with who JC de C's work, you'd know he is a fashion designer with a very graphic, playful, and bright aesthetic, and basically the French forefather to Jeremy Scott.
If you're familiar with who JC de C's work, you'd know he is a fashion designer with a very graphic, playful, and bright aesthetic, and basically the French forefather to Jeremy Scott.
I posted the video below, though I must mention it is quite long.
JCDC VS LEGO from Four H on Vimeo.
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