Thursday, February 5, 2009

Viva La Vida Oprah

Definitely an intriguiing, entertaining and awkardly danceable endeavor

While on the subject of Coldplay I thought I'd take the opportunity to show off their bright and shiny Grammy's poster (I featured Thom Yorke's a while back.) I already know each band's performance is going to be pretty stellar since they're both Rock Gods in their own right.

I'll be flipping back and forth between that and "Big Love" to check out the live performances and to see if M.I.A's water breaks on stage, since she's 9 months pregnant and due to give birth the day of the show. Hopefully her water will break and Sir Paul McCartney will deliver the baby back stage then she'll go on to win Record of the Year and perform Paper Planes with Jay-Z and whoever else turns up.

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