Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's official: 'Futurama' is reborn! | News | Ausiello Files |

It's official: 'Futurama' is reborn! News Ausiello Files
When Futurama first aired I thought it was a Simpson's knockoff (which it is in a very indirect way) and I was not into it, but I fell in love with the show in college and related to Bender not only because he was a robot, [like I claimed to be] but was utterly hilarious/ridiculous. So I'm incredibly excited it's coming back with new episodes. I actually caught one of my favorite eps not too long ago, when the professor builds a hat that makes a monkey smarter than Frye, Bender ends up in the most badass fraternity on campus, Robot House! Peep it below

Oh and I'm totally gonna play this "Robot House Remix" at my next house party while people do keg stands because it's totally the jam! [& by house party I mean while I clean my room while drinking wine.]

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