Friday, September 19, 2008

trailer trash- blindness

"Blindness" stars Juilanne Moore and Mark Ruffalo and is directed by the incredible and always brilliant Fernando Meirelles. it was the opening night officia selection at Cannes this past may and opens nationwide on october 3rd. i am a huge fan of the major players in the cast, that also includes luminous gael garcia bernal and danny glover, and fernando mereilles is a genius, but i don't know if i'm going to see this movie. i kind of feel the way about it the way i felt about children of men, and babel when they first came out. i just don't think i'm in the mood for a post modern, intensely vivid cinematic aesthetic of chaotic beauty Alejandro González Iñárritu, Alfonso Cuarón, Guillermo del Toro and Meirelles belong to. though after typing that last sentence i know i'll eventually see this movie and think it's utterly beautiful and be moved by it's power and truth and blah blah blah, to be honest, i'm just sad the summer is over. i'm not usually ready for Oscar bait until Halloween.

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