Monday, March 9, 2009


This season has been above aboard. I was worried about whether Jack Bauer would be a character of relevance in this era of "change & hope," but it turns out that he is, because first and foremost the creator & writers of the show have developed and had Kiefer Sutherland portray a character of substance. 24 continues to tell thrilling, original, captivating stories, filled with action, emotion, & drama.

Though I have to admit one of my favorite things about the show are the ads/PSA's the cast does to raise environmental awareness & plug the network. Like the one done by Chery Jones that aired in tonight's episode, where she read lines like "on 24 we're on a desperate race against time to prevent calamity...a very real threat is climate change...for tips on how you can reduce your own carbon footprint go to to stop the clock on global warming."

I just had to mention it since it made me chuckle, & I love 24.
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