Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Choke Review

i saw Choke over 2 weeks ago and just never got around to writing a review. it's not that i wasn't desperate to share how great the movie was, just other things came up and i kind of wanted to keep this brilliant little gem to myself. i was inducted into the Cult of Palahniuck a decade ago when Fight Club was released. both the film and the novel changed my life, in ways i won't go into to detail but i will say for the better. now that i'm a little older and pretend to be a lot wiser, Choke has had a similar effect on me that Fight Club and magnifies that we're all kind of F-ed up. in Choke Palahniuck once again focuses on the affect dysfuntional relationships have on our entire lives, and how integral they are to finding our identity, true selves and the possibility of sharing that with another. with that out of the way, i have to say the movie was hilarious, Sam Rockwell was out of of this world, Kelly MacDonald was incadescent (as always,) and as we've learned from numerous Wes Anderson films Anjelica Huston is the best woman to play a mother caught up in the midst of mayhem. i also have to add that Clark Gregg did an excellent job as writer, director and co-star which is not an easy feat, while also making a great film that's only 90 minutes long, that also has an equally fantastic soundtrack. if you still have the chance to go see Choke, do so immediately, otherwise pre-order it on Netflix or Amazon, it's that good. My rating 8.4/10

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