Tuesday, October 28, 2008

the Flaming Lips go Universal...sort of

you may have seen these ads non stop during the Olympics, where NBC stars talk about "chiming in." anyway NBC (which is owned by Universal) turns 75 this year and to commemorate that they got a bunch of bands to play their own version of the NBC chime (notes G, E & C.) Entertainment Weekly has an exclusive behind the scenes video with Wayne Coyne of The Flaming Lips band you can check out, where Wayne talks about the bands penchant for doing odd projects. the coolest part if when he talks about and plays with his double neck guitar, because one of the necks is actually a Guitar Hero "guitar" attached to a noise modulator dubbed the "Chaos-a-lator." below is "do you realize," one of their most well known songs, and one of my favorite songs period.

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