Thursday, November 20, 2008

Guess who's back? Back again, Jenny's back, tell a friend...

Hello fair readers! I'm sorry it took longer than expected to , I've been suffering from the winter blues, incrediblly busy with work and obsessivley reading Stephanie Meyer's "Twlight Saga." I have been totally engulfed, in this utterly intoxicating and enteraining book series, but have finally come up for air to post, do some ranting and include some pictures of me from when I used to be adorable. So I hope you've missed me a little, I know Brian did (thanks by the by.) And have a great weekend, I'll be headed to New York for a wedding, so expect some random mobile posts & some stuff I've been meaning share peppered on the site throughout the weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow I feel special a shout out on my favorite blog! Why don't you come to the cuda anymore! We miss You!